Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Few More Pictures

Because I haven't kept up with posts well for the past few months.  And also because I don't want everyone to think that I only dress Jack in one cheapy, yellow, playwear T-shirt every day, based on the last three posts.  He actually does have some nice clothes, it's just that I dress him in those on days I don't plan on going out much.  And he looks so cute in yellow, which is a color I really like but have never been able to pull off well.

Playing with the new sprinkler ball (but still holding on to the top of the real sprinkler, which he finally broke, for good measure)
Asserting claim in serious fashion to the chair that Pops made for Jack when second-cousin Julie teased him by attempting to sit in it. 
Climbing into one of the few remaining moving boxes (all full of books) by himself.  And, yes, it does say "Bat Cave," on the box--that's what Pops calls the extra garage below the apartments that has served as extra storage for our family since the store burned down 4 years ago and that has now become a defacto campaign headquarters.  By moving back from London and finally getting a home big enough to store all of our own junk, we're really clearing out the Bat Cave.
Trying to drive Pops' car with Nonna and Uncle Tyler.  Disturbingly, Jack figured out how to move the seat all the way up and was well on his way to getting the key into the ignition, all by
Taking a horsey ride on Daddy.  Okay, another yellow shirt, but trust me, this isn't the same one.  And it's just too sweet not to post!

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