Wednesday, April 22, 2009

And Happy Birthday to Daddy!

And the birthday madness continued, only to end today.  Jack's birthday is not only (generally) close to Easter, but it's just a week and a half before Ben's.  So on Monday, after a final birthday party for Jack two days before at Nonna and Pops's house, we were at the grocery store buying ingredients for Ben's birthday cake.  I was, as usual, attempting to keep Jack happily in the cart (as opposed to unhappily throwing himself out of the cart) by using my standby tactic of talking his ear off so he doesn't have time to process anything else (Uncle Tyler, you can keep your Nonna comparison jokes to yourself, thank you very much!).  So I was explaining to him what we were getting and why we were having yet another birthday cake.  Jack turned to me and said, "Hap Birday Jack all done.  Hap Birday Daddy."  

Actually, I should qualify this by explaining that Jack wasn't just saying this to me but to the entire grocery store.  You see, he doesn't actually say, "Hap Birday"; he sings it at the top of his lungs.  Every.  Single.  Time.  I don't think he understands that the sentiment may also be adequately expressed in spoken words.  

I'll attempt to capture the singing on video tomorrow and repost it here, although I have two concerns about doing this: 1) whether Jack could possibly refrain from looking at the camera long enough for him to sing the entire song or even a representative snippet, and 2) whether such a post would require paying royalties.  I'm going for the defense of tenuous connection to the actual tune and lyrics given a 2-year-old's vocal development.  That is unless any of my litigation friends have strong arguments against it.

Regardless, I'm indescribably glad that my wonderful husband and best friend was born 29 years ago today.  

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