Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Dear Jack...

I can't believe it, but Jack is two years old today!  Since I know pictures are always the big draw and we had some great ones taken weekend before last, those come first.

Jack had a busy weekend with Grammy and Granddad (Ben's parents) in town.  Friday night we had a birthday party, complete with a Momma-made three-layered strawberry-lemon cake with strawberry buttercream icing.  
Jack, who has been deprived of almost all sugar almost all of his life, predictably went crazy over it...and eventually got sick.  Poor guy!

Although it's been fun celebrating for four days straight (with more to come this weekend at Nonna and Pops' house!), I'm eager to get back to a little normalcy.  After two days of waking up to presents and surprises, I'm wondering what Jack expects for tomorrow.  Since my birthday is December 3, I've always been sensitive about wanting to celebrate my birthday separately and before Christmas.  But this whole having a major holiday the day before a birthday thing is new to me, and I'm not sure I've got it down yet.  Luckily I have until Jack's 24th and 29th birthdays to figure out just how to manage celebrating both Easter and Jack's birthday on the same day.

And now since I've demonstrated my apparent overabundance of time, I'm off to read Slate--I gave up reading that, my favorite magazine, for Lent, and I've built up a 43-article backlog of interesting things to read.  I may once again have interesting, non-mommy things to say by the end of the week.


stacy said...

those pictures are fantastic! I'm with mum at the moment and she couldn't believe how grown up he is!! Enjoy the peace and quiet and have fun in the rain ;-)

M&A said...

First, those pictures are amazing. What an adorable family--and that photographer captured some great smiles.

Second, as our admin law prof would say, you are an "evil genius." Deprive Jack of sugar, then give a ton to him all at once so that he gets sick, associates the sugar with the sickness, and never wants sugar again. Brilliant! =)

Third, happy birthday Jack!

Jack's Momma said...

Glad you like the pictures. A bit scary to think that Harrison would call me an evil genius, given that he's such an evil genius himself. But I hadn't thought about the possible deterrent effects of a sugar overdoes...

Family Snodgrass said...

LOVE the pic of Jack touching your nose! So very sweet!