Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Best Valentine's Day Present Ever

Last night Jack slept through the night for the first time ever.  And when I say slept through the night, I don't mean the technical definition of sleeping through the night (midnight to 5 a.m.) that people on refer to.  No, I mean went to bed at 7 and got up at 7.  I mean 12 glorious hours of uninterrupted sleep.  And I was asleep for 7 of those hours, also uninterrupted.  It's a beautiful, beautiful Valentine's Day.

Oh, and I stepped out of the shower this morning to find that Ben and Jack made me some delicious pancakes.  What thoughtful guys I have.


Pops said...

Congrats and Happy Valentines to all of you. Pops

Bob Hughs said...

Jessica and Ben,

Sleeping through the night is always good. I am not sure if I know anyone that sleeps 8 hours a day; do you?

Bob, Jennifer, Dylan, and Aubrey Hughs

Unknown said...

Probably snuck out for a romantic rendezvous.