Sunday, August 31, 2008

Christmas in August

Even though it's supposed to reach 95 degrees today, I have a snowman to share with you.  Jack got a snowman robe for Christmas, but it was far too big for him then, and until recently we took him directly from bathtub to changing table in a hooded towel as quickly as possible, so there was no need for a robe.  But as he's gotten more teeth and has started brushing them himself after his bath, having a robe has seemed more and more useful.  So last night we put it on, and Jack had a blast running around before bedtime.  Watching the video, I was struck by just how many words Jack is attempting to say, something I tend to overlook as we're going about our days.  

Sorry it's sideways.  One of these days I'm going to start remembering which way I need to turn the camera to have it show up right on the blog!

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