Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Counting Mommy Friends

Well, actually bags of wool, but we've got lots of fun new friends and catch-ups with old ones the past few days.

Part I -- The Friends

Yesterday's Inauguration playdate was lots of fun.  We met up with Rachel and her adorable 2 1/2 year old Cloe and one of her friends who has 9 month old twins.  There was pizza, goldfish, juice boxes, and lots and lots of happy mommy tears.

Later in the afternoon, Stacy and I had an impromptu, long-overdue catch up.  It's so great to be able to pick up our conversation as if I just padded down the hall in my socks to have a cup of camomile tea and some cake.

And today I had a meeting with some new friends about starting a toddler group at our church.  I'm so excited about taking charge of this big project; I have grand visions of turning it into a mix of the KCWC New and Expectant Mums club I was in charge of for a while in London and the women's Bible studies I organized during college, mixed with new volunteer and school type groups that I haven't yet run.  So many ideas bouncing around right now!

Part II -- The Counting

Jack's been obsessed with his book "Snow" about a little Russian boy who gets excited about a slowly starting snow storm.  "No Snow!" has been a regular refrain around our house lately.  Despite some weird phrasing and a bizarre scene involving Mother Goose ("Mama Gooooo!") and Humpty Dumpty ("Huh Duh!") dancing with the boy, it's got great pictures and has been organically teaching Jack colors (the sky goes from gray to white to blue) and numbers (first there's just one snowflake, then two, then three).  So we've been hearing a steady stream of "One, two, one, two," lately.

Tonight as I was putting Jack to bed, he started asking for "ba ba," which is what he calls his binky. (Yes, I know he's getting old to still have a pacifier, and I have lots of mommy guilt about that, but we're trying to phase it out and have been down to using it mostly just for naps and bedtime for the past 6 months or more.)  I was trying to delay giving it to him, so I started singing, "Baa Baa Black Sheep," acting as if I thought he was asking me to sing it.

After I asked if he had any wool (refer to this link if it's been a while since you've sung nursery rhymes), I paused and Jack responded, "Yesh!"  So I sang another line and he prompted me with "One."  So we had one bag of wool for my master, and Jack said, "Two."  Apparently we had two bags for my dame, which I would have thought would leave the little boy who lives down the lane empty handed.  I would have thought wrong--Jack promptly filled in "Tee!"  

So it's not really how the rhyme traditionally goes, but as of tonight,  in our house we've got a new version.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jessica-- I'm so glad to get these updates on how you, Jack and Ben are doing... The stories about Jack are priceless and Antonio and I talk about them all. He's changed so much since you left London, and it's hard to imagine that Mary will be where he is in just a few short months. And I am a quirky, liberal mommy friend that you can add to your list, though I admit that London is a bit far for a playdate.
