Monday, January 12, 2009

Pre-Christmas Pictures

When I started to upload pictures from my camera this morning, I was shocked to find that I haven't uploaded pictures for over a month!  So sorry to deprive all you loyal readers (all 4 grandparents and 2 non-grandparents of you now that I've become so lax about writing) of pictures of Jack for so long!  First things first, I'll post a few of the old ones with just captions to get it done quickly.  Then hopefully tomorrow I'll get back to the post I was going to start today.

Although Jack has a very nice cable knit hat, I wanted him to have mittens, too, and I couldn't find any to match the hat, so I got a cheap hat and mitten set from Target when it started getting colder.  It was a huge hit.  This is Jack trying them on the day after we got them.  The first picture he's showing off his mittens ("Guuuves") 
and the second is showing his hat (though it looks a little like a salute!).  Now when I tell Jack it's time to go, he immediately starts listing all the outerwear we both have to put on. "Co-co?" (coat)  "Momma co-co?  Jack co-co?  Guuves?  Momma guuves?  Jack?  At?  Jack at?  Momma?"  He takes this job very seriously and won't let me forget anything. 

Looking at trees with Daddy.

Walking through the tree lot.  This year because I had to get all new decorations (our supply for out little flat in London looked pretty meager in our new, big home, and we didn't have any lights at all) and because I was caught off guard by the shortened Christmas shopping period, we took some shortcuts.  Next year hopefully we'll be more settled and will be able to make a trip out to a tree farm to cut our own down instead.

Jack loved our tree after we got it up.  Our lights have a control panel button near the outlet that allows you to rotate through eight different patterns of blinking (steady on, slow fade, fast blink, etc.), and Jack felt it was his job to change the blink multiple times every day.  He had not yet discovered that when we took this picture.

While helping us make white chocolate covered pretzels for Christmas cookie tins, Jack discovered that he could sample the goods and that they were yummy. I inwardly (and outwardly, too, I'm pretty sure) groaned that he had finally discovered candy.

With the pre-Christmas pictures up, I'm thinking I now need to post other random fall pictures and maybe even Christmas at some point...  I'll get back to you on that.


M&A said...

He really is the most adorable kid ever. I love the big boy coat and hat and guuvs--they compliment his brilliant smile quite well!

neesha said...

maddie and I are new readers and she loves seeing the pics of her buddy!

Family Snodgrass said...

He is soooo cute in his big boy winter wear!

M&A said...

Thanks for the best pick-me-up ever this morning! Love, "Ga Ga Me Me."

MEBCC said...

Just want until the second one! I think Cams was 9 months old when he discovered candy. :)