Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A recovery day

Last night I went to bed with a really sore throat, and this morning I woke up feeling not much better. I thought I was getting a milder form of whatever bug Jack had week before last. Even though he was sick I continued playing one of his favorite games--put the binky in Mommy's mouth, laugh, then pull it out and put it in Jack's mouth. He's really good at it, and it's helped him control it much better so that he can now usually put the binky in his own mouth pretty well. At any rate, it probably was risky, but I figured that if he was sick I was probably going to get it anyway, too.

But this evening I'm feeling much better, and I don't think I'm really getting sick after all. Ben took good care of me this morning, bringing me oatmeal and lemon tea in bed.Then I spent all day at home, taking two 2-hour naps with Jack and we didn't do much else. Of course, since Jack was sleeping in our bed, there were some spit up issues and we had to change the sheets. Jack was more than willing to help me, though, lending plenty of smiles and wiggles. How great is that dimple?!

Tomorrow Jack and I are the hosting the KCWC New and Expectant Mums coffee at the cafe at Mamas and Papas off Oxford Street. We're meeting up with about 10 other mom and baby pairs there at 10:30 in the morning. We may do a little shopping after that, but I've just placed one really big order of toys and clothes from JoJoMamanBebe (including one really cute set of blocks in a zebra pull toy and a Taggies ball) and a baby supply order from Boots (new, bigger size of binky and some cutlery in my vain attempt to find a cup Jack will drink from so we can drop the water from a baby bottle habit), so we should be good on baby stuff for a little while. We'll see. I'm really in the market for a new diaper bag. Never thought I'd say that with such excitement...


M&A said...

omigosh how adorable!!!

Pops said...

Sounds like a fun day tomorrow. Now Jack can have new shoes. Glad to hear you people are feeling better.

Granny said...

What great experiences you are all having in London! Not long ago I was with Aunt Susie who was babysitting a one-year-old who did not talk much, but signed a lot. In fact, it was her birthday. When she tasted the cake, she kept signing "more." Perhaps Jack will do the same for his next cake!

We love that familiar dimple...seems like not too long ago, we saw that dimple on another great guy!

Grammy and Granddad

Nonna said...

I would love to find that bundle rolling around in my sheets.